Trying to find the perfect shade?

Have you ever been so overwhelmed by the large quantity of foundations or powders and you are just absolutely clueless as to what shade you should buy?

Sometimes, if we are buying drugstore products, we are not allowed to test the products before buying them; some stores even have a no return policy (lunatics), so we are most times forced to either bring our current foundation that we absolutely love or have been shade matched with and try to do the side-by-side comparisons to see if they look anything alike -sigh-

But I have THEE perfect solution to that. Here’s a site that I personally use when I want to save myself the stress of doing the side-by-side comparisons or trying to shade match.

Click Here!

So far, it has been pretty spot on and I am so confident that this will work for you too! Give it a shot!

— BreathingGlamor xx

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